Cincinnati Cabinet of Curiosities is a podcast about hauntings, strange phenomena, cryptids, and urban legends around the Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky Tri-state area. Hosted by Cincinnati artists Kat Klockow, Christina Wald, and Jen Koehler and features stories of the strange and spooky submitted by listeners.

Follow the podcast on social media:

@CinCabinetCurio on Twitter

@CincyCabinetofCuriosities on Instagram


Email us your local ghost stories, urban legends, creepy cryptids, or weird history to 

You listen to the podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, or YouTube platforms.


Christina Wald- Producer

Christina Wald is a professional children’s book illustrator specializing in animal and science work. A prolific artist with over 20 years experience in the field, she has worked with numerous major publishers including Scholastic, Bloomsbury, Hachette, Penguin, and National Geographic, as well as on smaller-scale projects directly with authors.

Christina’s characters have a whimsical, anthropomorphized quality. She creates the majority of her work as traditional, hand-painted illustrations, though she works in a variety of media including digital and vector. All final artwork is sent to clients digitally, regardless of the media it is created in.

She holds a BS in Industrial Design from the University of Cincinnati, and is well-known for her work with licensed gaming products including Star Wars and Lord of the Rings.

Christina loves to combine her two passions: travel and illustration. She lives in Cincinnati with her husband – a toy engineer, and their THREE cats.

She is the project manager for the Cincinnati Cabinet of Curiosities comics anthology and producer of the Cincinnati Cabinet of Curiosities: Hometown Haunts Podcast.

Kat Klockow- Host

Kat Klockow is a writer and illustrator of the graphic novel series Witches and Sorcerers and Miss Grey. Both are occult-fantasy-themed series, but where Witches and Sorcerers is a light-hearted fantasy about a young witch dreaming of becoming a sorceress one day through misadventures and antics that can be enjoyed by anyone, Miss Grey is a young adult-rated dark fantasy and horror series about a grumpy grim reaper of monsters that plague the mortal world. 

She also is the author of two haunted history books by Schiffer Publishing; Haunted Hoosier Halls: Indiana University (2010) and Ohio’s Haunted Crimes (2016) in addition to being the former co-host of the Paranormal View Radio Show (2012-2017).

Kat  is also the editor of the Cincinnati Cabinet of Curiosities comic book anthology which features the local ghost stories, urban legends, and creepy cryptids of the tri-state region. Along with my co-hosts, I also host the Hometown Haunts Podcast which features listener submitted stories about their own unique hauntings and urban legends along with featuring weird history from the Cincinnati and tri-state area.

Jen Kohler- Researcher

Jen likes photography and true crime.